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The theoretical study of computer program performance and resource usage.

What’s more importance than performace? Why study algs and perf?

Problem: Sorting


Input sequence: $<a_{1},a_{2},\dots,a_{n}>$ of numbers output sequence: permutation of them, s.t. $a_{1}’ \leqslant a_{2}’ \leqslant \dots \leqslant a_{n}$

Insertion-Sort(A,n) //Sorts A[1,...,n]
  for j <- 2 to n
    do key <- A[j]
       i <- j - 1
  while i > 0 and A[i] > key
    do A[i + 1] <- A[i]
       i <- i - 1
       A[i + 1] <- key
  • Running time
    • Depends on input sequence
    • Depends on input size
    • Upper bounds

Kinds of analysis

Worst-case (usually)

  • $T(n)$ = max time on any input size of $n$

Average-case (sometimes)

  • $T(n)$ = expected time over all input of size $n$

    Need assumption of the statistical distribution

Best-case (bogus)

What’s ins-sort’s worst time?

  • relative speed (on same machine)
  • absolute speed (on diff machine)

IDEA: Asymptotic analysis

  1. ignore mechine dependent constants
  2. look at the growth of $T(n)$ as $n \to \inf$

Asymptotic notation

  • $\Theta$ - notation: Drop low order terms and ignore leading constants.

Worst case of insertion sort: inverse sorted:


Merge Sort

  1. if $n=1$, done
  2. Recursively sort $A[1,\dots,\left[ \frac{n}{2} \right] ]$ and $A\left[ \left[ \frac{n}{2} \right] +1 ,\dots,n\right]$
  3. Merge 2 sorted lists ($\Theta(n)$)
\[T(n)=\Theta(n)+2T\left( \frac{n}{2} \right), \quad n>1\]
graph TD
A((cn)) --> B(("T(n/2)"))
A--> C(("T(n/2)"))
